C.E.C Analytics Blog
Protecting Groundwater Resources: The Importance of Well Water Testing
A natural resource that is essential for both human consumption and the health of our environment, groundwater provides drinkable well water to millions of people while also supporting our most precious ecosystems.
Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance through Wastewater Monitoring
There are three common ways AMR bacteria are transmitted; human-to-human, animal-to-human and environmental contamination.
Wastewater Surveillance: Protecting Public Health Through Data
A powerful tool for monitoring and insight into the health and safety of a community, wastewater surveillance and sampling provide governments and public sectors with real-time data on emerging disease trends, the potential for outbreaks and other threats lurking in our water.
Navigating Regulatory Water Sampling in Canada
In today’s increasingly aware world, water quality continues to be of paramount concern to communities and the families and businesses building and growing within them. As a Canadian leader in detecting and addressing Contaminants of Emerging Concern (C.E.C.s), we at C.E.C. Analytics understand the regulatory landscape surrounding water quality testing.
Case Study: C.E.C. Analytics Water Autosamplers, A Critical Tool in Alberta’s COVID-19 Response
As we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic presented unprecedented challenges in public health at governing and community levels. One particularly effective approach to monitoring the presence and spread of the virus was wastewater monitoring.